Credits and Contributors

“When the axe came into the woods, many of the trees said, “At least the handle is one of us.”
— Turkish proverb

These people are beyond any gratitude I can show:
Robert Baruch
Eric Rojas
Noah Bicknell
Jonathon Duerig
Johannes Baiter
Dana Wilson
Matti Kariluoma
Dario De Moura
…many, many others need thanks and acknowledgment – especially those that helped me navigate in the early days, like J.G. in NYC, H.L. in Boston, and J.W. on the Internet, as well as W.A.T for workshop space, days on the range, and analog education (RIP, my friend) A. Silbernagel for support and intellectual camaraderie, A.C. for early software, and Biche for hanging in the shop on those cold, dark days.

Aaaaand… the entire DIY Book Scanner forum. A lot of people talk and write and blag on about “crowdsourcing”, but few people do it. If you want to see what crowdsourcing looks like, have a look at the problem-solving going on in this thread about the Hackerspace Scanner. Thank you, everyone, for everything. For leading by example.

“We’re all in this alone.” – Lily Tomlin